"I’ve never experienced this level of patience, commitment, genuine compassion and care in order to help me reach my goals."

Frances | Midwife | 30s

Frances's story

Body Smart transformed my life!”

“I’ve never experienced this level of patience, commitment, genuine compassion and care in order to help me reach my goals.” Said Frances when reflecting on 1:1 coaching with Body Smart.

“Before Body Smart, I felt trapped in a body that I was ashamed of and I felt utterly hopeless that I could ever change. Every day was a battle against my self-destructive thinking and behaviour.”

“I had started losing weight on a very restrictive diet and hit a wall and wasn’t progressing, I felt exhausted physically and mentally – I was at my wits end when I came across Body Smart.”

Frances is a busy midwife who was juggling full-time work with study. “Coaching taught me how to utilise my time to plan ahead and set achievable goals.” said Frances.

“I appreciated the honest and transparent coaching and teaching tools to help myself instead of making me dependant on a program,” she said.

Frances was coached by both Jaymie and coach Terry who said; “Frances has Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) which means she suffers extreme highs and lows every month in her emotions around her cycle, making it hard to stay consistent in her approach to fat loss. BUT Fran has done everything to show up every day wanting to be the best she can be. With that 1% better everyday mindset, she’s making progress and I have no doubt she’ll achieve the body of her dreams. She’s strong AF and loves to hit the gym to make herself feel better, turning to fitness where she once would turn to food. I can’t say how proud I am of her and cant wait to see what the future holds.”

Frances said; “Coaching has made me resilient and changed the way I think which has helped me in so many aspects of my life. The coaches analyse your thoughts, behaviours and triggers and provide strategies to deal with the issues that are stopping your progress. I’ve transformed my body and mind, I feel more energised and free.”

For results like Frances, apply for 1:1 fitness, nutrition and mindset coaching today.

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